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North Wales Jobs
Midlands Jobs
Meet the team
How would you rate your first week overall?
Not enjoyed it at all
It will do for now
Its ok, not made up my mind yet
Its gone well, I am happy to continue working
My first week has been great
How do you rate how you feel you have been supported and trained this week
I have had no training or support
I have had a little training and no support
I have had some training and some support
I am happy with the training and support I have recieved
I fee very supported and feel I have been trainied appropriately
How likely are you to recommend our client to friends or family for work?
Not at all
Yes, if someone asked
Yes I would
I already have
Do you see yourself staying long term
Not sure
Haven't decided yet
No, I wont be here long
Could Diamond have better prepared you for role?
Yes - more information would have been helpful
No - I feel Diamond gave me all the infomration necessary that helped me prepare for my role
Yes - The information I was given wasn't correct
No - I did not feel I was given any infomraiton to prepare for my new role
Your email
First name
Last name
First name
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